She's a Capulet. He's a Montague. But when Romeo and Juliet first meet, they don't know they're from rival families — and when they find out, they don't care. Their love is honest and raw and allconsuming. But it's also dangerous. How much will they have to sacrifice before they can be together? In a masterful adaptation faithful to Shakespeare's original text, Gareth Hinds transports readers to the sun-washed streets and market squares of Shakespeare's Verona, vividly bringing the classic play to life on the printed page.
- Mental Health Awareness
- Beyond Black History Month 2024: Reclaiming Narratives
- Disability History Month
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- Mental Health Awareness
- Beyond Black History Month 2024: Reclaiming Narratives
- Disability History Month
- Celebrate UK LGBTQIA+ History Month!
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